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In this blog, this is a hospital-like facility that traps kids and teens. What they do is inject an infection into you that turns your blood black. The victims eyes black out, but when they come to they have killed or destroyed something. Once you have your first experiment your blood is permanently black. They occasionally performs surgery on you to either get you on their side or something like that. Of course, this isn't fun at all for the victims, so they constantly try to escape. This blog is pretty much about the traumatic life of these kids.

Friday, December 3, 2010


All of the patients sat together in the cafeteria."This is where you'll be eating." Dr, Beckeet came into the room with a new girl. He led her to the table with a straight face."Here are the other patients." Then he left. The girl sat down quietly."I'm Krissy." Krissy smiled at the girl."I would say welcome, but...." She trailed off, feeling that if she continued she would get caught. The girl looked confused."I'm Caleb." Caleb smiled at her as well. "I'm Alexandra." "Kage." "Sarah." They each introduced themselves."I'm Ayla." The girl replied."I bet your hungry." Krissy gave Ayla some of her food."It's actually really good." After she tasted it, the group exchanged glances.

"Do you know why your here?" Caleb leaned in. Ayla shook her head. Then everyone began to tell her everything cautiously."Come Ayla, it's time for your first injection."NO!" Ayla screamed. The group shook their heads to tell her not."Security guards will taser you!" Alexandra warned. Ayla nodded as she was dragged away. Dr. Griffeths approached Krissy with a frown."What did we tell you about that?" She asked smoothly, but Krissy could see evil burning deep in her eyes."To not to." Krissy looked down."Good girl!" Dr.Griffeths slipped a treat into Krissy hand and walked away.