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In this blog, this is a hospital-like facility that traps kids and teens. What they do is inject an infection into you that turns your blood black. The victims eyes black out, but when they come to they have killed or destroyed something. Once you have your first experiment your blood is permanently black. They occasionally performs surgery on you to either get you on their side or something like that. Of course, this isn't fun at all for the victims, so they constantly try to escape. This blog is pretty much about the traumatic life of these kids.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lacey, Kage and Sarah.

Caleb, Krissy and Alexandra sat in the lounge. They were actually laughing, since it was one of the few times they were allowed to socialize. Caleb heard the white double doors slam open, followed by shuffling. The three prisoners went to peer out the window of the lounge door. The security guards were now dragging in two girls and a guy. Realizing what time of day it was, the guards threw the new victims into the lounge. They slowly got themselves up, observing scars from whips. They each noticed the other three one by one.

"Who are you?" They sat down on the couch facing them."I'm Caleb." He motioned to himself."This is Krissy and Alexandra." The girls nodded."I'm Kage." The boy said rather quietly." I'm Lacey." One girl smiled at Caleb."And I'm Sarah!" The third girl beamed."Well, I suppose we could welcome you, even though it's not a pleasant place..." Krissy trailed off."What do you mean?" All three asked. The other three leaned in to tell them, but acted like they were socializing.

When they finishes, Lacey looked scared."It's okay." Caleb smiled."I can help you get through until you can." He assured her. She looked up at him."Thanks." Then two doctors came in."I've never seen them before." Krissy whispered to Caleb."We will be your doctors." They smiled at the three new arrivals."Come, let us show you your rooms."


  1. Lacey followed Dr. Everrett out of the room, she looked back at Caleb. After giving him a quick smile, she turned and disappeared into the hallway.

  2. KAge glared up at Doctor Fornal, while Sarah glanced at both of them nervously. After a while, Kage smiled wide.

    "Nah, im good right where i am, thanks."

    Sarah bit her lip and looked away. She was more scared of this doctor simply because he looked nice. The young man frowned.

    "Sorry, Kage, But you don't have a choice." HE stared hard at the teenage boy, but Kage still did't budge. Instead, he only smiled wider.HE put his arms behind his head.

    "Listen up, doc, don't toy with me. You'll get hurt."

    His voice was laced with feeling and threats, and Fornals eyes darkened and he curled his lip.

    "Siut yourself, master KAge. neither of you will get dinner."

    He turned away, Kage yelling after him,"Im not hungry anyway!"

    Sarah let out a breath of releif.
    I wish i were that brave....

  3. Caleb smiled back at Lacey as she left.

    Krissy rolled her eyes.
