"Who are you?" They sat down on the couch facing them."I'm Caleb." He motioned to himself."This is Krissy and Alexandra." The girls nodded."I'm Kage." The boy said rather quietly." I'm Lacey." One girl smiled at Caleb."And I'm Sarah!" The third girl beamed."Well, I suppose we could welcome you, even though it's not a pleasant place..." Krissy trailed off."What do you mean?" All three asked. The other three leaned in to tell them, but acted like they were socializing.
When they finishes, Lacey looked scared."It's okay." Caleb smiled."I can help you get through until you can." He assured her. She looked up at him."Thanks." Then two doctors came in."I've never seen them before." Krissy whispered to Caleb."We will be your doctors." They smiled at the three new arrivals."Come, let us show you your rooms."