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In this blog, this is a hospital-like facility that traps kids and teens. What they do is inject an infection into you that turns your blood black. The victims eyes black out, but when they come to they have killed or destroyed something. Once you have your first experiment your blood is permanently black. They occasionally performs surgery on you to either get you on their side or something like that. Of course, this isn't fun at all for the victims, so they constantly try to escape. This blog is pretty much about the traumatic life of these kids.

Join here!!!! :D

(I'm gonna make a little story for joining. :D )

Two buff guys drag you into an interrogation room."Where am I?" You demand, writhing your hands. You give up, realizing the scruffy rope was way to tight. A woman and a man come into a room, dressed in white lab coats. You scowl furiously."Why, welcome dear." The womans smiles at you. You almost feel welcome, but you snap out of it."Where am I?" You say again, straightening up."Your at the I.T.C.I, okay?" The man shoves in and snaps at you impatiently. He pulls out a clipboard and begins to pace.

Okay here's how you join:
Age(The range is 4-20):
Shortish description about yourself (Personality, likes, dislikes, etc. By the way, Thuner and Alice gave me this idea!):
How the I.T.C.I found you( It stands for Infection Teenager or Child Injection.):
Your Doctor(It can be one that is already here or you can make your own.):
Picture Link:

(If you make your own doctor):
Name: Dr._______
Nice or mean?:

Please join and have fun at this site!


  1. Name: Alexandra
    Age(The range is 4-20): 16
    Description: Pretty girl with hazel eyes and brown hair, has a scar on her arm she hides with her sleeves
    Shortish description about yourself (Personality, likes, dislikes, etc. By the way, Thuner and Alice gave me this idea!): Clever, Humorous, and a quick planner, sometimes her plans fail but mostly they work, before she came here she already was great with swords, and if you were fighting her make sure you have really tough armor on, she likes to teach little kids about swords, and falls for guys easily, is confused about love
    How the I.T.C.I found you( It stands for Infection Teenager or Child Injection.): After her mother and father were killed in a suicide bomb, she was left alone with no one to care for her
    Your Doctor(It can be one that is already here or you can make your own.): Dr. Sterling
    Picture Link: can you find one?

    Name: Dr. Sterling
    Gender: guy
    Pic: has blonde hair and brown eyes, can you find one?
    Nice or mean?: mixed

  2. Name: Lacey
    Age(The range is 4-20): 15
    Description: A beautiful girl with long brown hair and light brown eyes.
    Shortish description about yourself (Personality, likes, dislikes, etc. By the way, Thuner and Alice gave me this idea!): She is somewhat shy, but is actually very brave. She is also a very fast runner, and loves animals. She is so strong-willed, the Black Blood injections make her scream in pain(while unconsious), though she cannot fight enough to prevent the kill, and she hates herself for that.
    Crush: Caleb(Can he like help her through her first day at the I.T.C.I and then she gets a crush on him?)
    How the I.T.C.I found you( It stands for Infection Teenager or Child Injection.):
    Your Doctor(It can be one that is already here or you can make your own.): Dr. Everrett
    Picture Link: http://i26.tinypic.com/24f0o43.jpg

    (If you make your own doctor):
    Name: Dr. Everrett
    Gender: Female
    Pic: (Can you find a pic? She should be in her 20's and pretty)
    Nice or mean?: Nice(Young woman forced into this, maybe her father or mother is a mean doctor there?)

  3. Name:Kage
    Age(The range is 4-20):Fifteen
    Description: TAll with blue eyes and long black hair. he has snakebites and is very skinny, with a tounge peircing. Some Peple consider him handsome but he denies it.
    Shortish description about yourself (Personality, likes, dislikes, etc. By the way, Thuner and Alice gave me this idea!): He is very short tempered, often cursing and snapping. He doesnt like to meet new people but when he does, hes a very weird, funny, and nice guy. You woldnt know who he really is just by looking at him.
    How the I.T.C.I found you( It stands for Infection Teenager or Child Injection.):They got him from Juvie about a month after he was caught trying to shove scissors into someones mouth. (As you can tell he gets pissed easy) They were glad to get rid of him because several times he had escaped and attacked security guards.
    Your Doctor(It can be one that is already here or you can make your own.): Dr. Fornal
    Picture Link:http://www.glogster.com/media/2/4/65/43/4654377.jpg

    (If you make your own doctor):
    Name: Dr.Fornal
    Gender: MAle
    Nice or mean?: acts nice, but is truly evil

    Age(The range is 4-20): 14
    Description: funny, loud, but shy around certain people. He has dirty blonde hair.
    Shortish description about yourself (Personality, likes, dislikes, etc. By the way, Thuner and Alice gave me this idea!): She is very loud, funny, and likable. She had lots of older friends, before she was wongly accused and brought into juvie with Kage.
    How the I.T.C.I found you( It stands for Infection Teenager or Child Injection.): same as Kage cept for attacking people
    Your Doctor(It can be one that is already here or you can make your own.):Dr Fornal
    Picture Link:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=159706014063786&set=a.159705810730473.32267.100000731652044#!/photo.php?fbid=159706014063786&set=a.159705810730473.32267.100000731652044&pid=329277&id=100000731652044

  4. (Oops, the I.T.C.I. found Lacey when she was walking home alone from a movie with her friends. She is from a rich family, and for a week many detectives were searching for her, but after that they soon gave up)

  5. Name: Ayla
    Age: 15
    Description: Ayla is a 15 year old girl with dark brown hair and golden-brown eyes. She is brave, smart, fast, headstrong, beautiful, and adventurous. She is incredibly resistant to the treatments, and fights her instincts constantly while she is under the Black Blood injection. However, she is still unable to control herself completely, and she eventually ends up killing someone.
    Crush: none
    How the I.T.C.I found you: I.T.C.I. found her at a hospital in her neighborhood. She had been taken to the hospital because she broke her arm jumping off of a building escaping from a fire.
    Your Doctor: Dr. Beckett
    Picture Link: http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn298/Fiona-Leticia/Lucy.jpg

    Name: Dr. Beckett
    Gender: male
    Pic: http://www.gateworld.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=54587&fullsize=1
    Nice or mean?: He is sort of in the middle: interested about the experiment, but thinks that it is inhumane.

    (For Beckett's pic, you need to drag it to your desktop to put it up. I tried to get a direct link, but my computer was being a spaz XD)

  6. Name: Ellsie McSair
    Age: 14
    Description: Shortish with straight, teased dark brown hair. Big temper, loud mouth, and oftens curses fluently in Spanish
    Shortish description about yourself: Ellsie is a girl with a lot of dark history. She grew up with an abusive father and a junkie mother. She is sarcastic and snappy, but she really wants to find someone to protect her from the horror that is I.T.I.C.
    Crush: Kage
    How the I.T.C.I found you: Ellsie's father killed her mom and then deserted Ellsie after she threatened to call the cops.
    Your Doctor: Dr. Luciano
    Picture Link: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o2Sz4lT-e-E/TbzrXsqOvEI/AAAAAAAAASs/bIGVAvYLamY/s1600/Demi-God.jpg

    Name: Dr. Luciano
    Gender: Male
    Pic: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://movieenergy.com/images/j/189200_pbrp.jpg&imgrefurl=http://movieenergy.com/movie/show/%3Fmovie_id%3D0880578&usg=__VOWDQwQnPqSlJbW3VZjkemQC3ZE=&h=500&w=333&sz=20&hl=en&start=116&sig2=FEGq0fXoJ8tSEfXSsgBUbg&zoom=1&tbnid=B9_LYPyspD6VLM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=100&ei=Qe-8TaO-D4O2tge075DWBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djoseph%2Bcross%2Buntraceable%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26tbm%3Disch0%2C2674&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=459&vpy=107&dur=780&hovh=150&hovw=100&tx=95&ty=114&page=6&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:116&biw=1366&bih=667
    Nice or mean?: Mean and sadistic, and enjoys torturing Ellsie

  7. Name: Melinda 'Linnie' Warenson

    Age(The range is 4-20): Barely 5

    Description: Linnie is a spunky little 5-year-old girl with brown hair and big blue eyes. She is a complete love bug, and likes nothing more than to spread the love around. She's an itty bitty little thing, and loves hugs and positive words. She is also sensitive. When people shout, she cries, and is easily scared. She more often than not has her hair in pigtails, and doesn't completely understand what the doctor's shots are doing to her. For reasons unknown, most likely age and lack of strength, she has only been able to harm, but not full out kill, people when she blacks out.

    Crush: She thinks Caleb is handsome, but doesn't quite understand what a crush is just yet.

    How the I.T.C.I found you( It stands for Infection Teenager or Child Injection.): Linnie was actually taken on her fifth birthday. Her father, a successful surgeon, had died mysteriously about two weeks before, and her mother had slipped into a deep depression, not bothering to take proper care of Linnie. The I.T.C.I. took Linnie from her own front yard while her mother was asleep, in broad daylight.

    Your Doctor(It can be one that is already here or you can make your own.): Dr. Turner

    Picture Link:http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/9314502/2/istockphoto_9314502-cute-little-girl-having-fun.jpg

    (If you make your own doctor):
    Name: Dr. Turner
    Gender: Male
    Pic: http://tengossip.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/cole_a-237x300.jpg
    Nice or mean?: Generally, due to his obsession with the experiment, very mean, but he never expected a patient as young as Linnie, so is actually very kind to her.
